abduon [AV ] ahead
abicabicon [AV ] gradually
abrotcion [AV ] a long time
abrotcion [AV ] perennially
agralon [AV ] affably
aludevon [AV ] deeply
apton [AV ] particularly
arinton [AV ] yesterday
arldon [AV ] at last
aron [AV ] differently
aron [AV ] differently
aulon [AV ] calmly
aulon [AV ] peacefully
aultoveson [AV ] abundantly
aultoveson [AV ] in detail
awion [AV ] apparently
azon [AV ] afterwards
azon [AV ] beyond
bagon [AV ] a little
bagon [AV ] ably
bagon [AV ] lightly
bagon [AV ] lightly
bakon [AV ] all the time
bakon [AV ] all the while
balemeavielon [AV ] on Wednesdays
balkon [AV ] automatically
baraksaton [AV ] quarterly
bareavielon [AV ] at Tuesdays
batgazdon [AV ] this morning
batsielon [AV ] this evening
batvielon [AV ] today
belcon [AV ] together
bellikon [AV ] absolutely
bimulon [AV ] hastily
blion [AV ] especially
bonon [AV ] stupidly
boreon [AV ] soon
cugon [AV ] at most
cugon [AV ] at most
daavon [AV ] gladly
davon [AV ] just
denon [AV ] apparently
denon [AV ] of coursel
diliodon [AV ] leisurely
diveon [AV ] abroad
drikon [AV ] easily
dulapason [AV ] interestingly
ekemon [AV ] earnestly
eldeon [AV ] tomorrow
elimon [AV ] exactly
falon [AV ] fortunately
fereon [AV ] frequently
gazdeldeon [AV ] tomorrow morning
gazdon [AV ] in the morning
geltron [AV ] absolutely
gilton [AV ] ordinarily
gilton [AV ] usually
gilton [AV ] generally
giopon [AV ] in vain
gorston [AV ] austerely
guron [AV ] abruptly
guron [AV ] abruptly
idulon [AV ] warmly
igelton [AV ] easily
ikrarenon [AV ] racily
ilanon [AV ] yearly
itupon [AV ] lively
kabdueon [AV ] ahead
kabduon [AV ] before
kalion [AV ] fast
kalion [AV ] shallowly
kalon [AV ] fortunately
klicon [AV ] absurdly
koeon [AV ] inside
kontomon [AV ] now and then
kotron [AV ] completely
kotvielon [AV ] daily
kramon [AV ] genuinely
krenugon [AV ] softly
kulton [AV ] awfully
laizon [AV ] all of a sudden
lanon [AV ] certainly
lanon [AV ] absolutely
lanon [AV ] probably
lanon [AV ] probably
laoon [AV ] boldly
lekeon [AV ] long ago
levion [AV ] lately
loon [AV ] else
loon [AV ] besides
loon [AV ] plus
losumeon [AV ] beyond
lumislon [AV ] endlessly
malhon [AV ] equitably
manton [AV ] widely
meetrakason [AV ] no doubt
mewison [AV ] blindly
milgemelton [AV ] at the same time
milon [AV ] equally
muson [AV ] safely
namion [AV ] by heart
nelkon [AV ] chiefly
nemon [AV ] barely
nemon [AV ] accurately
noelkeon [AV ] at present
noelon [AV ] actually
noelon [AV ] currently
noelton [AV ] recently
non [AV ] friendly
obrason [AV ] attentively
ontinaxon [AV ] proudly
opelon [AV ] just
pakon [AV ] partially
pegon [AV ] eagerly
pilkon [AV ] personally
pilkovon [AV ] apart
pilkovon [AV ] also
plinon [AV ] agreeably
pokeon [AV ] close
poon [AV ] strongly
porfeon [AV ] consequently
porton [AV ] hardly
porton [AV ] with effort
porton [AV ] painfully
proyon [AV ] with wisdom
puron [AV ] genuinely
ribiegon [AV ] marvellously
rion [AV ] seldom
rofaveson [AV ] by mistake
roneon [AV ] on the right
rontion [AV ] directly
rontion [AV ] directly
roton [AV ] badly
seramon [AV ] eagerly
sieleldeon [AV ] tomorrow evening
sielon [AV ] in the evening
solokson [AV ] abstractly
tagelton [AV ] justly
takrelon [AV ] boldly
tanboyon [AV ] with one accord
taneavielon [AV ] on Sundays
taneon [AV ] above all
taneon [AV ] certainly
taneon [AV ] at first
taneon [AV ] at once
taneon [AV ] first
tenon [AV ] at last
toleavielon [AV ] on Mondays
ton [PP ] at
trabiangon [AV ] comfortably
trenon [AV ] constantly
tulon [AV ] for example
tuwavon [AV ] naturally
umon [AV ] enough
varon [AV ] completely
verton [AV ] regularly
veyeldeon [AV ] the day before yesterday
veyeldeon [AV ] the day after tomorrow
vion [AV ] leasurely
volfalon [AV ] unfortunately
volkalon [AV ] regrettably
volkalon [AV ] unfortunately
volkeon [AV ] impatiently
walton [AV ] by accident
waveon [AV ] early
xulenon [AV ] by tender
zdarion [AV ] at the right time
167 entrées correspondantes
Recherche partielleAccentsExpr. rég.

L'astérisque (*) remplace n'importe quelle suite de lettres, y compris une absence de lettres. Exemples:

aal* retourne tous les mots commençant par "aal": aal, aaleem, aaloc, aalxo, aalk, etc.

*aal retourne tous les mots terminant en "aal": aal, aejaal, agzonaal, bilkaal, etc., une centaine de noms d'arbres et arbustes.

Quelques autres exemples utiles: *on et *opa

*viel* retourne tous les mots contenant "viel", toutes sortes de dérivés de "viel" comme milvielaf, toleaviel, etc. ainsi que des dérivés de "viele".

Le point d'interrogation (?) remplace n'importe quelle lettre unique.

s? retourne tous les mots de deux lettres commençant par "s": sa, se, sé, sí, sú, su.

Essayez aussi ?iel et la?í.