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Jack London
(1876 - 1916)

Englavaf amerikaf suterotik

Ba 12/01/1876 Jack London koblir.

Inaf ageltaf yolt tir John Griffith, nasbeik ke Flora Wellman is tan gadik me djukagrupeyes va in. Arti konak akstat kaiki nasbalara, intafa gadikya di kurer va John London zornatas va gadikyordanha. Baton tir velaf John yoltbetatar ise vanpitir Jack ta da amidaca tir varze intafe gadikye.

Wali 1880 is 1892 London yasa irubar mone San Francisco ise batugale Jack tulogijawer ise kobar koe konaka exava. In kobar koe gaeziaxe ; lustera va italtiv va in artazukar ton ordrellakesik. Dere batugale va sutera in belitir.

Bak 1893, Jack va int kototar ta tcabanhera va spedol kene niponaf krimteem. Inafa taneafa nega "Zivotc kene Nipona" ganon zo koswar ise kan poradro gan San Francisco Fall fela zo gableter. Azon koo United States is Canada keldutur. Dere batugale vanpitir seltevik ise ko Berkeley kotla zo dosteter.

Bak 1898 va kotla Jack London jovler aze va moavipera paker. Va intafa koswaraklitanha bam trasitir, koe uzera do se malemtcabanhesik is moavaneyasik is indiik, aze va "The Son of the Wolf" kiewatcaf berpot sanegatar. Porfeon va Elizabeth Maddern kurer aze ditir va toloya nasbeikya.

Bak 1902, Jack London mallapir ko London aze baraksaton ugalzer do se wawaf kobasik is moniskik. "The People of the Abyss" neva titir vrutara ke bata rekola. Radimifa tanda titir tela ke sanegara va "The Call of the Wild" kiewatcapa. Jack London solkureter aze va Charmian Kittredge tolkureter. Azon va "The Sea-Wolf" suteter.

Bak 1905 tir Korea geja ise Jack vanpir gejadogolesik vexe bak teveaksat gan Niponik se zo divpatcatar. Battandon va toloy berpot sanegatar : va "War of the Classes" is "White Fang" titis cugunaykafa kiewatca.

Bak 1907, va "Snark " tota asvegeduyuson, Jack London bokar va tamavanamlapira azavzawetesa koe Australia. Batlize koe Sydney zo koropexoatar kire bwakolamejes ise va " Martin Eden" suteter. Tir 1909, Jack tir akolaf, va Snark jovleson, ko California dimpir. Azon va reda viunsutur aze bak 1913 tollapitir ko koyara van Horn Evilma. Sanegara va " South Sea Tales" is "John Barleycorn" is "The Valley of the Moon".

Bak 1916, koe Vera Cruz bakamon gejadogolesik titir aze koe Hawaii konakaksaton jonvieleter. Ba 22/11/1916, tison balemdaf, vamosin is koruyataweyes, goaspilajon awalker.


Suterot se ke Jack London  
The Son of the Wolf (1900)
The God of His Fathers & Other Stories (1901)
Children of the Frost (1902)
The Cruise of the Dazzler (1902)
A Daughter of the Snows (1902)
The People of the Abyss (1903)
The Call of the Wild (1903)
The Kempton-Wace Letters (1903)
The Sea-Wolf (1904)
The Faith of Men & Other Stories (1904)
The Game (1905)
Tales of the Fish Patrol (1905)
War of the Classes (1905)
Moon-Face & Other Stories (1906)
White Fang (1906)
Before Adam (1907)
Love of Life & Other Stories (1907)
The Road (1907)
The Iron Heel (1908)
Revolution and Other Essays (1909)
Burning Daylight (1910)
Lost Face (1910)
The Abysmal Brute (1911)
Adventure (1911)
South Sea Tales (1911)
The Scarlet Plague (1912)
The House of Pride & Other Tales of Hawaii (1912)
The Valley of the Moon (1913)
John Barleycorn (1913)
The Night Born (1913)
Martin Eden (1913)
The Cruise of the Snark (1913)
The Strength of the Strong (1914)
The Mutiny of the Elsinore (1914)
The Star Rover (1915)
The Little Lady of the Big House (1916)
Jerry of the Islands (1917)
Michael, Brother of Jerry (1917)
The Red One (1918)
On the Makaloa Mat (1919)

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