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talk:start [01/08/2015 21:53]
sab created
talk:start [12/12/2019 18:46] (current)
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 Batu emudesu bu opelon tir cuisafu. Va skuyus envasik sendapat !! Batu emudesu bu opelon tir cuisafu. Va skuyus envasik sendapat !!
  --- //​[[:​wiki:​user:​sab|Sabrina BT]] 01/08/2015 21:49//  --- //​[[:​wiki:​user:​sab|Sabrina BT]] 01/08/2015 21:49//
 +Va [[http://​www.kotava.org/​kotapedia/​doku.php?​id=wiki:​user:​webmistusik|Webmistusik]] en grewá icde talpeyara va Kotapedia kiren daletoe va Kotava rovonepet sutelason va kotavaf ravlemakack tadles va vuestexa. En grewá icde bata tciamaca ke Kotava. 💗
 + --- //​[[:​wiki:​user:​luce|Luce VERGNEAUX]] 12/12/2019 18:48//

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