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onugenaf [01/04/2019 14:00]
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onugenaf [01/04/2019 14:05] (current)
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 {{template>​ktp_models:​ktp_kuparkikroj_07}} {{template>​ktp_models:​ktp_kuparkikroj_07}}
-  * [size=80%]Safsaf ​gray tiyir [color=orange]onugá[/​color] ise sugdalayar vas //​onugesí//​. Daretazuk sugdalayas vas //​onugenaf//​ tiyir : [color=orange]onuganaf[/​color].[/​size]+  * [size=80%]Savsaf ​gray tiyir [color=orange]onugá[/​color] ise sugdalayar vas //​onugesí//​. Daretazuk sugdalayas vas //​onugenaf//​ tiyir : [color=orange]onuganaf[/​color].[/​size]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​

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